
128 | Entourage

Three artworks made from pictures with my drawing tablet, dedicated to my friends and big sister.
Petites dédicaces à la tablette graphique avec mes amis et ma grande soeur, à partir de photos.


127 | Post-birthday Nerdgasm !!

I have the best friends / family / roommates in the world ! They gave me a Pen Tablet for my 20th birthday !
Here's a little sketch I drew with it (the room of a secret project's character !). I still have a lot to learn about how to use it !
Oui !! J'ai les meilleurs amis / famille / colocs du monde ! J'ai reçu une tablette graphique pour mon 20ème anniversaire ! Voici déjà un petit brouillon que j'ai pu faire avec (la chambre d'un personnage pour un projet dont je ne peux rien dévoiler encore...) J'ai encore à apprendre sur son fonctionnement !

And here's a very kind gift from Elosterv !
Et voici un super cadeau de la part de Elosterv qui m'a magnifiquement bien représenté !!

Merci !! ^^
Now I'm gonna go back to eat my other gifts (huuum, chocolate !!) and maybe go buy myself Scott Pilgrim 4, I still haven't read the three last ones (huuum, compulsive money spending !!)


126 | It's my birthday, so I draw what I want !

I'm turning 20 today, but I didn't really get the time to draw anything birthday-related, so instead, here's an artwork of Will (from my current webcomics New Arch City Bruise), on the "Breslyn Bridge". This artwork - and several other ones introducing other NAC famous places and new characters - will be published on New Arch City a little before the beginning of the second episode (early January - full colored hopefully !).

J'ai 20 ans aujourd'hui, mais j'ai pas vraiment eu le temps de dessiner quoique ce soit en rapport avec les anniversaires, donc à la place, voici une illustration de Will (l'héroïne de mon webcomics Bruise), sur le Pont de Breslyn. Cette illustration - et d'autres, présentant d'autres endroits populaires de la ville et de nouveaux personnages - sera publiée sur le site de Bruise peu avant le début du deuxième épisode (début janvier, entièrement en couleurs, normalement !).


125 | Perfect Symmetry

A doubled version of an artwork for the next ComMedia issue. I don't have time to draw original artwork, people !! (But real soon !)
Une version "doublée" d'une illustration pour le prochain ComMedia. J'ai pas le temps de dessiner de nouveaux trucs en ce moments, les gens !! (Bientôt !)


124 | TV Traffic

Here my (current) ideal TV schedule - not that I don't occasionally watch anything else, but that's the best of it !!
Voici mon programme télé hebdomadaire idéal. Je regarde parfois d'autres trucs, mais je ne manque JAMAIS AUCUN de ceux-ci.

How I met your Mother (season 6 - CBS) : Because Barney Stinson, because I want to know who the mother is, because Robin Sparkles !!
90210Gossip Girl (season 3 / season 4 - The CW) : The two guilty pleasures pairing up. Hey, I'm still a teenager at heart !!

Glee (season 2 - FOX) Simply because it's one of the best comedy shows in those last two years ! Because Sue Sylvester, too. Because I was so impressed with how I laughed at the first season that I had to continue, and I'm very happy I did. And I like the songs.

Modern Family (season 2 - ABC) : Because it's hi-la-rious !! Because I love all the characters, even the children (if you know me, you'll find this surprising), because Sofia Vergara is ho... very funny !
Cougar Town (season 2 - ABC) : Because it's basically Scrubs humour applied to an alcoholic Courtney Cox whose problems are so futile but so funny, and every character is nuts.

Community (season 2 - NBC) : Discovered it this summer, ate up all the first season episodes in three days. This one is a little bizarre, but still really funny.
30 Rock (season 5 - NBC) : Because Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin, hilarious, well-written, caustical, genius, so many puns and non-sense. One of the best comedies on TV, like, ever.
The Big Bang Theory (season 4 - CBS) : Because Sheldon Cooper.
Fringe (season 3 - FOX) : Because it's the most amazing supernatural / sci-fi show ever - I'm not a sci-fi fan at all - and the episodes are everything I like : well-written, well-acted, creepy, emotional, kinda funny some times, intense... Shortly, you have to watch it.
Misfits (season 2 - E4) : Watched the first season last year and fell in love with it. Basically looked like a supernatural version of Skins, but in fact a lot more than that, and often more creative. The cast is perfect, the stories are great and everything about it makes you crave for more !
Grey's Anatomy (season 7 - ABC) : Because, like every shows described here, I've watched it from the beginning, and I'm a faithful guy (take note, people ! :p)

Desperate Housewives (season 7 - ABC) : Because this series used to be the best thing on TV, and this season has been really good so far, going back to everything I loved about the first season. Because Eva Longoria.
Dexter (season 5 - Showtime) : Because, come on, everybody loves Dexter, and this season's mystery is very compelling ! "Die, die, Dexter !"
The Walking Dead (season 1 - AMC) : The only new show I watch this year ! Because I loved the comics (though I confess I stopped reading when they killed the character I liked the most) and AMC (which air Mad Men and the best show ever, Breaking Bad) did a very good job with it so far !


122 | Power Bunnies

Since last month, I'm illustrating articles for the ComMedia, the magazine by the Communication students of the Université de Montréal. This first one was made for an article about the latest technology gizmo, Karotz, whose use is still blurry to me (they have wi-fi ? they read your messages ?) but which allowed me to draw some good kawaï as these gadgets are in the shape of colorful bunnies.
Depuis le mois dernier, je suis illustrateur pour le ComMedia, le magazine des éudiants en communication de l'Université de Montréal. Voici une illustration réalisée pour un article sur de nouveaux gadgets technologiques, les Karotz, dont l'utilité reste assez floue pour moi, mais qui m'a permis de réaliser du bon kawaï de derrière les fagots, ces gadgets ayant la forme de lapins.

BTW, as we're talking about technologic stuff with unclear usefulness, I'm now on Twitter, so if you care, follow me ! http://twitter.com/#!/kjfcomics
Au fait, puisqu'on parle de machins technologiques dont l'utilité est floue, je suis maintenant sur Twitter, alors, si vous avez autant de temps à perdre que moi, allez-y ! http://twitter.com/#!/kjfcomics


121 | Month of the monsters : And the winner is...

Cliquez sur les images pour la version française

Finally, the long-awaited results of the Month of the Monsters. I asked you to name your three favorites in order of preference ; i gave three points to the first you chose, two to the second one and one to the last one. The winner was chosen first by many of of you, so I guess many of you already know that it's...
Enfin, les résultats du Mois des monstres sont enfin là ! Je vous ai demandé de choisir vos trois favoris dans l'ordre de préférence : j'ai ainsi donné trois points à votre premier choix, deux à votre second choix et un à votre dernier choix. Le gagnant a été choisi en premier par un grand nombre d'entre vous, donc, vous savez déjà sans doute qu'il s'agit de...

Complete results / Palmarès complet :

1 (23pts)
2 (14pts)3 (12pts)4 (11pts)5 (8pts)
6 (5pts)7 (4pts)8 (3pts)

It's funny to notice that the winner is the only one who had no comments at all when it was published ! Guess it was outsiders time !
Il est amusant de remarquer que le gagnant est le seul qui n'a reçu aucun commentaire lors de sa publication. C'est toujours les outsiders qui gagnent.


120 | Horns #5

One year after the first strip was published, Horns is back !
Il s'est fait attendre comme un roi, mais Horns est de retour !!



119 | Monster of the Month Recap

Cliquez sur les images pour la version française

Thanks to all those who voted in the previous post. New voters, you can vote for your favorite monsters (visible here) in the comments of this post or of the previous one, the votes will all be counted anyway ! And on November 7th, expect a surprise... :)
Merci à tous ceux qui ont voté dans le précédent billet ! Les autres, vous pouvez voter pour votre Monstre préférés (tous visibles ici) dans les commentaires de cet article, ou dans ceux de l'article précédent, les votes seront tous comptabilisés ! Et le 7 novembre, une surprise vous attend !